Tag: #Identity

  • What is my Name?

    What is my Name?

    “What is it, Sagar?” “I don’t know really know, one of those waves of thoughts that are not meant to be expressed.” “Confess, in verse or vibrations that shall end up in the space once exhibited from the mouth.” “Alright, I will speak it out then.” “One day near the lake, I thought to myself…

  • 6. Rumi and Numbness

    6. Rumi and Numbness

    I had visited the library for the first time. I thought, I had found a place to live during the day. I never wanted to return to the refuge camp. I felt alienated with the people, books are comforting. I could just close my eyes and teleport to my place. Feeling the texture of pages…

  • 5. The Kalam

    5. The Kalam

    “Can we talk? Right now, sir?” a boy in a blue migrant camp t-shirt and a torn gray trouser had approached me after the class found its way out, his accent was not like the usual ones I got to hear at the center. “I am Aadesh, I hope you got the email.” I was…